What small biz owner hasn’t had this thought over the past 10 months (omg...has it really been 10 months??) 💭 What the h*ll happened!? I had this wonderful business that was humming along ... when ... BOOM! A Global freaking pandemic hits! Now many of my potential customers spend hours everyday scrolling an infinity pool from their couches in expensive loungewear they purchased online. And you’re left trying to pick up the pieces to keep your business afloat through lockdowns and in-shop capacity limitations. How will you still serve your customers so they dont leave you for Amazon?
Having to get your business online ready is daunting if it wasn’t something you were doing before March 2020. Who has that kind of time you wonder? Who really likes social media that much? 😀 But here we are in a new world where many businesses now exclusively drive sales from their website or social media platforms.
If you have a website and social media accounts set up and running - great! You are in good shape. Now you can focus on consistent content posts and daily engagement to keep those couch scrollers on your team. On average, 3 posts a week is amazing. Daily scrolling, commenting, liking and story sharing is a definite crowd pleaser. It also keeps your account looking active and engaged with your audience.
If you are a business that didn’t have much of an online presence prior to the pandemic, you will likely need to get going... Better late than never. Even Grandma figured out insta-cart, so online shopping is here to stay!
If you are comfortable with taking this on yourself, good for you! There are many online resources you can pull from: for example, check out Hubspot or HootSuite! Or maybe you know a friend who creates websites or you have a millennial who’s recently moved back into the basement who can help you with your tiktoc dances 😉 🤦♀️ If this isn’t the case, your next step is likely to chat with a digital marketing expert to get you up to speed. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get rolling with the basics.
You now know you need to be actively creating and sharing content on your platforms. But what do you say? How will your posts stand out? Will people care, like, share? And don’t even get me started on engaging with your people who've replied to your posts! It’s very overwhelming in the beginning - I get it! I truly believe everyone has a story to tell. And sharing your’s is a good start. Tell your audience about you, your business, and how you serve their needs. Even sprinkle in a little humor. Remember, social media is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, so keep it light. But maybe keep those tiktoc dances in your back pocket for next pandemic 😂
As Simon Sinek said “People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” If you want to see organic growth, show the world why you love your business so much. We will jump on to shop or engage from the indented couch cushion we’ve been impaling for the last 10 months!
Good luck to you, small business owners! We are rooting for you!
-Amanda @ Thrive Digital
